Completion of the PVN Olomouc shopping centre
For the company Davina system a.s. was realized the completion of the shopping centre "PVN Olomouc" located at the existing Baumax department store on Holická street, in Olomouc, Hodolany district. The shopping centre itself was built in 2008 and it is to this building that the extension was started with a start date of April 2019 and completion in 2021. The foundation was made on a pile system with a diameter of 600mm, the bearing system of the building consists of a reinforced concrete precast structure anchored to the pile head. The roof is composed of trapezoidal sheeting, 160mm thick thermal insulation and waterproofing foil. The perimeter cladding consisted of 140mm thick sandwich panels and design sheet metal cassettes. Industrial floors of wire concrete construction with surface treatment. The current wiring (power and low current) was extended, heating of the new buildings was built and the necessary health equipment was installed. Outdoor paved areas were also part of the implementation.
Implementation date: 5/2019-6/2020
What we did
- 01 Site preparation
- 02 Pile driving
- 03 Earthworks
- 04 Installation of reinforced concrete prefabricated sandwich structure
- 05 Laying of floors and insulation
- 06 Implementation of cladding
- 07 Implementation of roof with skylights
- 08 Construction of facilities and new offices including electrical and heating systems